TPLF Debretsion Gebremichael group today questioned the ongoing DDR in Tigray. The party deputy chairman held a press briefing.
Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has split in two groups. Main group is led by party chairman Debretsion Gebremichael. Getachew Reda, Tigray Interim President, is leading the other group. Ammanuel Assefa, deputy chairman of TPLF Debretsion wing, today raised questions about the ongoing Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) of Tigray fighters. Tigray is set to disarm around 75,000 fighters in coming months. The process is being conducted by Tigray security forces, Tigray interim government, Ethiopian federal government and international observers.
Ammanuel said that TPLF recognizes the fact that DDR is part of Pretoria deal signed in November 2022 between TPLF and Federal Government of Ethiopia, but the way DDR is being conducted is not right. He said the amount of money to be given to demobilized Tigray fighters is not enough. Secondly he claimed that the use of biometric service for DDR lacks transparency.
The TPLF Deputy Chairman termed the two year period of Getachew Reda’s government as a complete failure. He accused the Getachew Reda government of ignoring key challenges like resettlement of IDPS, accountability for genocide and restoration of Tigray’s borders.
Debretsion Gebremichael and Getachew Reda led TPLF wings have been issuing strong statements against each other. Debretsion group wants immediate removal of Getachew Reda from interim government. Getachewa Reda has refused to step down. He is vowing to lead the government till the holding of election.
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