Gondar Fano

Two Gondar Fano Groups Unite

Two Gondar Fano groups announced today that they have come under one command. Fano groups have been trying to establish one command structure in the Amhara region since last year.

Fano groups led by Habte Wolde and Baye Kenau today announced that they have decided to unite and come under one command structure.

Since last year, dozens of Fano groups have been fighting the Ethiopian security forces in the Amhara region. They have been trying to establish zonal and regional command structures. In Gojjam and Wollo zones, they have managed to create one command structure in each zone. In Shewa and Gondar, they faced internal divisions.

Gondar Fano is largely divided into north and south Gondar zone groups. South Gondar Fano has been working largely under one command. North Gondar Fano, on the other hand, could not create unity on zonal level. The coming together of Habte Wolde and Baye Kenaw is expected to lead to establishment of one command structure for all Fano groups operating in north and south Gondar zones. Habte Wolde is leading a major Fano organization in north Gondar, while Baye Kenaw is leading south Gondar Fano.

Over a week ago, several Gondar Fano commanders including Sefer Melese, Mesafent etc blamed Eskinder Nega for creating divisions in Gondar Fano. Eskinder Nega claims to be leading all Fano groups, but his group is mainly restricted to Shewa.

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