General Berhanu Jula

Ethiopian military chief General Berhanu Jula is under fire for his controversial remarks about ethnic groups in Ethiopia. A video of the General was uploaded on You Tube channel Fayida two days ago. The General was seen talking to the the channel host. He passed some remarks about the contribution of Oromo ethnic group in building and developing Ethiopia. His remarks have created an uproar. Other ethnic groups are criticizing the army chief for his bias in favor of Oromos. General Birhanu Jula is originally from the Oromia region.

He said, Oromo is now ruling over Ethiopia, any Oromo who opposes this government is a traitor and we will eliminate them. We are the ones who created Ethiopia, and we are the ones who maintained Ethiopia. Through our struggle we have broken the chains that enslaved us and have freed ourselves. Oromo is again in power. Oromo are a great people who founded Ethiopia and brought Ethiopia to where it is today but even after doing this Oromo were never respected. Oromo have many heroes, these heroes founded this country and brought her to where she is now. As for us, we have broken the chains that had bound us through our struggle and have freed ourselves. Now we have the ownership of the country. We Oromos will lead this resource rich country and fix it. Any Oromo that opposes this point of view is a traitor and we will wipe them out. Our right is now respected, and we will slowly fix any issues. The people (Oromo) know this and that is why they are waiting patiently. The others have to come to their senses and stop dividing the people. Every Oromo cares for every Oromo. Any Oromo that stands against Oromo is a traitor. Right when Oromo get our share and start ruling Ethiopia at the top, enemies from different directions are rising up on us. They’ll disappear when we eliminate our traitors.” 

Oromo, Amhara and Tigray ethnic groups have different and opposing views about who established and developed Ethiopia. One group’s hero is a villain to others.

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