An Eritrean pro government diaspora member who organized a program in Gerlafingen in March is in trouble. The local authorities have sent him a bill. The Canton of Solothurn has sent the organizers a bill for 30,000 francs.
On Easter Sunday, the police deployed a large contingent to prevent a clash between around 350 supporters of the Eritrean leader Isaias Afewerki and 180 opponents of the regime. A water cannon and tear gas were used. Eritrean opposition groups wanted to stop the program by force. Police intervened and the program ended early.
The bill of just under 30,000 francs includes the costs for the additional members of the Solothurn and Bern cantonal police who were called in to deal with the incident. It includes the cost to use water cannon of the Bern cantonal police also.
The government council stated that special police services are subject to a fee according to the fee schedule. The organizers of events that require a complex, extraordinary police operation must pay the bill. However, basic police coverage such as telephone contact with the organizer and control by a patrol will not be charged.
According to the government council, the meeting of the regime supporters did not require approval. It was a private event in a restaurant.
It would be interesting to see that if the program organizer pays the bill or not. Since it was not a festival but only a meeting of Eritrean government supporters, the organizer might challenge it at a court.
Since last year, it has been a challenge in Europe and North America to organize festivals/programs by pro Eritrean government communities. Opposition groups including Brigade Nhamedu storm these programs. Dozens of Eritreans have been injured and several killed in these clashes in Eritrean diaspora community since last year.
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