Gojjam Fano Asres Mare Damte

Rival Gojjam Fano Groups Clash in Amhara

Infighting is being reported between rival Gojjam Fano groups in the Amhara region of Ethiopia. Since last year, Fano groups have been trying to create zonal and regional level command strctures.

Askale Demle, a female Fano fighter, this week accused Zemene Kassie Gojjam Fano chief of nepotism and taking bribe to release Colonel Yared Kirso. Colonel Yared Kiros was captured by Gojjam Fano but he managed to escape. Fano groups are accusing each other of facilitating Colonel’s escape.

Reportedly, Asres Mare and Zemene Kassie led Gojjam Fano faction accuses Fano groups led by commander Sileshi and Markos of helping Colonel Yared escape from Fano’s custody.

This week, local sources reported that fighting erupted between Zemene-Asres Fano group and fighters of Yeqoye Mola and Addisu Fetene commanders.

Last year, after weeks of fighting, Zemene Kassie and Asres Mare Damte fighters pushed Eskinder Nega led Fano group out of Gojjam zone.

Fano groups, fighting the Ethiopian security forces since last year, have not been able to create one command center on regional state level. They managed to create loosely organized zonal level command structures. In each of the four zones of the Amhara region( Gondar, Gojjam, Shewa, Wollo ), Fano groups are trying to establish one command center. However new differences arise frequently.

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