How to buy Ethio Telecom Shares

How to buy Ethio Telecom Shares on Telebirr? This questions is being asked by the Ethiopian investors who are showing interest in buying the shares of Ethiopia’s state owned telecommunication company.

Following information will be helpful for those who are interested in buying and selling Ethio Telecom Stocks.

Price of Ethio Telecom Shares

– The price of one share is 300 Birr.

– The minimum number of shares that a person can purchase is 33 shares, for which they have to pay 9,900 birr in cash.

– The maximum number of shares that can be purchased is 3,333, and when it is deposited in cash, it will be 999,900 Birr.

– Purchase is available from October 16 to January 3, 2025.

– Details of share holders will be made public on January 31, 2025

– The sale of shares will be done only by Telebirr.

– Payment can be made within 48 hours.

– When buying a share, 1.5% service charge and value added tax will be charged in addition to the share price.

– The transaction is done in Ethiopian Birr only.

– According to the 2024 financial report, the Ethio Telecom’s capital is 100 billion birr.

– According to the international 3rd party market rate, the price of the company is 300 billion birr.

– 100 million shares have been offered in the first round of regular share sales.

– If Ethio Telecom manages to sell all 100 million shares, with 300 birr for each, it will earns 30 billion birr from share sales.

How to Buy Ethio Telecom Stocks on Telebirr

Before applying for the share sale, citizens who wish to participate must meet the following prerequisites: be an Ethiopian citizen, register and open account on the registration application, present a legal document that identifies their identity, have a legal power of attorney if they are submitting the purchase application for someone else, be a telebirr SuperApp user, and read carefully the statements about the company and the risk analysis presented in the prospectus before applying. Then, they must carefully fill out the application for share purchase on the telebirr SuperAapp and complete the payment within 48 hours.

How to Sign up for Telebirr

You can register for telebirr by yourself or visiting the nearby ethio telecom shops or agents. You can self register for Telebirr by dialing *127# on your mobile and following the instructions. You can download telebirr app from Google play /app store/ethio telecom app store and install.

  • Open the downloaded telebirr app -> then click on “create New Account”
  • Then you will have two option to register your profile
  • Quick create account
    • Enter your mobile number on the provided space and click on get verification code.
    • You will receive SMS from 127 with the verification code.
    • Then enter the verification code and click next.
    • Then a new page will display to capture your personal information. This option will fetch most of your personal information from our system as per the detailed information provided during your first mobile service subscription. However, you might be requested to fill certain information like gender, region, zone, sub city, woreda, Kebele, house number and nationality.
    • After fulfilling the requested information click on submit and you will receive a confirmation message and redirect to the first login page.
    • Then enter your mobile number and a default PIN code you received from 127. On the first login, it will allow you to change your PIN.
  • Self-create account
    • If you choose this option, you will follow the same step as the above. However, you will fill all the required personal data by yourself. By uploading your identity card and recent photo, you can complete full registration.
  1. Registration at ethio telecom shop or agent:
  • One can sign up for tellbirr by visiting the nearest authorized telebirr retail agent or Ethio telecom shop with ethio telecom active mobile number and identity card.

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