Application by TPLF to Protest in Mekelle Gets Rejected

An application submitted by TPLF, seeking permission to protest in Mekelle, has been rejected. Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) wanted to protest in Mekelle, the regional capital, on November 13.

This week, Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) group led by chairman Debretsion Gebremichael submitted an application to security officials in Mekelle. In this application, the political party said its members and people want to peacefully protest against Tigray interim administration, “illegally” led by Getachew Reda. Tigray interim government though rejected TPLF’s application.

Two TPLF factions are fighting for control of administrative structure in Tigray. Interim government led by President Getachew Reda is opposing TPLF Debretsion faction’s growing administrative control in Tigray. Debretsion group wants immediate removal of Getachew Reda from presidency.

The rival TPLF groups held discussions this week in Addis Ababa. Pictures released by the Ethiopian state media showed rival TPLF groups led by Getachew Reda and Debretsion Gebremichael in a meeting with the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The negotiations in Addis Ababa led to no breakthrough.

It remains to be seen if TPLF will press ahead with Sunday’s demonstration or not.

TPLF Questions Ongoing DDR in Tigray