Tintag Waledo Tigray

“Tintag Waledo Tigray” Established to Challenge TPLF

A group by the name of “Tintag Waledo Tigray” has been established in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. It claims to be a political movement to challenge the “hegemony” imposed by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) in Tigray. TPLF has been dominating Tigray’s politics for around 3 decades but it is faced with the worst internal divisions.

Tintagy Waledo Tigray means Tigray’s Fire Generation. The group has neither held any public press briefing nor applied for registration as a political party. The detail of its office bearers is unknown. Its activities are clandestine. Its leaders, on condition of anonymity, say that they have launched a campaign across Tigray to organize the group. The group is highly critical of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), calling for political change in Tigray.

Tigray’s ruling party TPLF has split in two. Interim President of Tigray Getachew Reda is leading one group. Most of his supporters are youths. TPLF chairman Debretsion Gebremichael is heading the other main faction.

Tintag is hoping to take advantage of intra-TPLF divisions to establish itself as a player in Tigray’s regional politics. Reportedly disgruntled Tigray youths, including former Tigray Defense Force members, are part of this new movement. According to some Tintag Waledo Tigray leaders, they will adopt all means including use of force to bring about political change in Tigray.

Two year long deadly war (Nov 2020-Nov 2022) has destroyed Tigray’s economy. Tens of thousands of youths are unemployed. The youths, frustrated with the current political turmoil, want change in Tigray.

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