President Getachew Reda has signed a regulation paving the way for the likely deployment of federal forces in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.
Since last week, Tigray Interim Administration (TIRA) led by President Getachew Reda and Tigray senior military command have been in dispute. On January 24, Tigray military issued a statement calling for need to restructure Tigray interim administration. TIRA termed the statement announcement of coup. Tigray military in its statement announced its backing for Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) Debretsion Gebremichael group which has been demanding the removal of President Getachew Reda. Two TPLF factions led by Debretsion Gebremichael and Getachew Reda have at loggerheads for several months.
According to regional officials, under the regulation signed by the President Getachew Reda, TIRA will be authorized to seek the support of federal forces in case of deterioration of security situation in the region.
The new regulation has surprisingly restored regional, zonal and woreda councils formed as a result of general election held in the region in 2020. Ethiopian parliament back then declared the election null and void. However the regulation states that the reinstated councils will be bound to follow the instructions and orders of the Tigray interim government.
President Getachew Reda and his key supporter General Tsadkan Gebretensai have been working to establish an Advisory Council in the region. The move was being opposed by TPLF Debretsion group. It seems President Getachew Reda has dropped the idea of establishment of advisory council. He wants to restore councils while keeping them under his tight control.
In 2023, Amhara regional government requested the federal government to deploy federal forces in the region to protect the regional government against Fano militias. Since then Ethiopian National Defense Force has been deployed in Amhara. It seems that if Tigray military and TPLF Debretsion group try to remove Geachew Reda from power, he will request federal government to deploy federal forces to the region.
However late on Saturday night, President Getachew Reda denied having initiated any regulation to invite federal forces to be deployed to Tigray.
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