Ethiopian Police today opened fire at protesters in Moyale Oromia. At least two protesters were wounded. Demonstrations have been ongoing since yesterday.
Moyale is administrative center of two woredas of Oromia and Somali regional states of Ethiopia. It is situated on Ethiopia-Kenya border.
On Friday, a 12 year old boy named Boru AlNuur was shot dead in Moyale Oromia. The killed youth belongs to Borena clan. Victim’s family accused Ethiopian federal police officials of killing him. Borena community members protesters yesterday. Negotiations between local authorities and Borena community failed.
On Saturday morning, hundreds of Borena community people took to the street accusing the police of killing the innocent boy. Videos in circulation in social media show some protesters chanting “Down Down Shimelis” and “Down Down PP” slogans. A protester made famous Qeerroo symbol by crossing his wrists over his head. Oromo youths used this symbol in 2016 protests against EPRDF government.
Protesters todays tried to surround and set fire to the Moyale city government office. Security forces opened fire. At least two protesters were wounded. No official statement has been issued by the government so far.
Moyale is a busy border crossing between Ethiopia and Kenya. Security forces have conducted several operations in the past against smuggling networks operating in the area.
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